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Kostenloses WooCommerce Payment Modul

Das kostenfreie WooCommerce-Payment-Plugin bietet eine Vielzahl an Features, mit denen die tägliche Arbeit mit Ihrem Shopsystem vereinfacht wird. Es werden alle gängigen Zahlungsmethoden in nur einem Plugin angeboten – vom SEPA-Lastschriftmandat über Rechnungskauf bis hin zur Kreditkarte. Kreditkartenzahlungen können zusätzlich durch das 3D Secure-Verfahren abgesichert werden, um Ihnen als Shop-Betreiber zusätzliche Sicherheit zu bieten. Damit gehört unser Plugin zu einem der beliebtesten Zahlungsmodule im Bereich Payment.


Einfache & schnelle Integration




3D-Secure-gesicherte Transaktionen


Verbessert die Conversion


Funktionsreiches Adminportal


Vollkommen responsive Zahlungsseiten

Diese Funktionen können Sie mit dem Payment-Plugin direkt über den Shop-Admin verwalten:

  • Einfache Konfigurationsmöglichkeit für alle Zahlungsarten
  • Einfache Möglichkeit zum Bestätigen und Stornieren von On Hold-Transaktionen
  • Übersichtliches Status Management für Chargebacks sowie SEPA-Rücklastschriften
  • Übersichtliches Status Management für die Zahlarten PayPal, Online-Überweisung , Vorauskasse und Kauf auf Rechnung
  • Vorhalten von Bestelldaten bei Kaufabbrüchen
  • Einfaches Durchführen von Rückerstattungen aus der Shop-Admin heraus
  • Flexible Abonnementverwaltung für wiederkehrende Zahlungen
  • Flexibles Affiliatemanagement für Partnerprogramm-Betreiber
  • Kinderleichtes Konfigurieren des Risikomanagements
  • Komfortable Statusmeldung bei Zahlungseingängen von Rechnungskauf sowie Vorauskasse
  • Bequeme E-Mail-Benachrichtigungsfunktion über Statusmeldungen der Zahlungen

Genießen Sie außerdem weitere Vorteile mit unserer Payment-Plugin

  • Einfache Einbindung in Ihren Bestellprozess – es wird keine externe Seite aufgerufen
  • Alle Zahlungsarten über das Modul verfügbar
  • PCI DSS compliant – keine eigene Zertifizierung nötig!

Alle Zahlungsarten über unsere Schnittstelle

Mit uns sind Sie flexibel in der Auswahl der Zahlungsarten. Wir geben Ihnen die Möglichkeit, die Conversion über uns zu erhöhen, indem Sie mehr Zahlungsarten in Ihrem Checkoutprozess anbieten.

Auf Nummer sicher gehen mit unserer Betrugsprävention

Die intelligente Novalnet-Betrugsprävention ist abhängig von Zahlungsart, Produktpalette und Warenkorbgröße. Durch zahlreiche, unabhängig zuschaltbare Fraudmodule verringert sich Ihre Zahlungsausfallquote spürbar. Hier sehen Sie eine Auswahl unserer Betrugspräventionsmodule.

Folgende Lösungen stellen wir Ihnen in unserer NOVALNET Admin zur Verfügung:

  • Eine Plattform für alle Zahlungsarten (Rechnung, Vorkasse, Online-Überweisung, PayPal u.v.m.)
  • Optional automatische Rechnungserstellung für Endkunden
  • Treuhänderische Gelderverwaltung möglich
  • Risikomanagement mit über 40 Betrugspräventionsmaßnahmen (FRAUDS)
  • Kostenfreier technischer Support bei Einbindung und bei Betrieb des Zahlungsmoduls
  • Attraktive und flexible Auszahlungsmodalitäten
  • Bei Zahlungsausfall frei einstellbares, optional kostenloses Forderungsmanagement
  • Kostenloses realtime Monitoring. Ihr Checkoutprozess wird vor Kaufabbrüchen überwacht
  • Optionale Mitgliederverwaltung
  • Spezielles Endkundenportal für Rückfragen zur Transaktion
  • Umfangreiches Debitorenmanagement mit diversen Exportmöglichkeiten für Buchhaltungsprogramme
  • Einfache SEPA-Lastschrift-Lösung. Sie müssen kein separates Bankkonto eröffnen


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Hersteller Novalnet
Letztes Update 08.03.2025
Version 12.8.1
Stabilität Stabil
Sprache Englisch (en), Deutsch (de)
Lizenz Freeware
Getestete Plugin-Version 12.8.1
Kompatibel mit Version 4.0.0 - 9.7.2
Herunterladen https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce-novalnet-gateway/
Version 12.8.1
Datum 17.01.2025
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Enhanced] A renewal order will be created automatically if the transaction fails during the renewal process
[Enhanced] Subscriptions are automatically canceled when the associated customer or subscription order is deleted
Version 12.8.0
Datum 12.07.2024
Beschreibung & Änderungen [New] Implemented TWINT payment
[Fix] Order status is now correctly updated to reflect successful transactions made on the second attempt via PayPal payment
[Enhanced] API/Webhook Response is normalized in the payment plugin for Instalment Payments
Version 12.7.0
Datum 17.05.2024
Beschreibung & Änderungen [New] Implemented Direct Debit ACH, Blik, MB Way and Payconiq payments
[Fix] Payment plugin has been updated to handle the "Refunded" order status specifically for overpaid amounts
[Fix] Incorrect order statuses occurring when multiple orders are placed using the same browser session
[Enhanced] Optimized the Callback/Webhook process for fetching Dynamic IP
[Enhanced] Plugin name in the header comment is required to meet WordPress standards
Version 12.6.4
Datum 01.03.2024
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Display of PayPal and Guarantee payments for free trial subscription with signup fee
[Fix] Instalment Payments are now handled for WooCommerce Block Checkout
[Enhanced] Offering Instalment payments to B2B customers in Switzerland
[Enhanced] Extension of Instalment Payment cycles till 36 cycles
[Enhanced] Minification of CSS and JavaScript files for enhanced performance
Version 12.6.3
Datum 31.01.2024
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Return URLs integrated with payment requests during tokenization for Credit Card and Debit Card payments
[Fix] Order numbers are included in the callback event email for accurate transaction mapping
[Fix] Apple Pay transactions are restricted to countries other than the non-shipping country
[Enhanced] Built-in Sub-Resource Integrity (SRI) integrated for JavaScript files to improve security for preventing unauthorized modifications
[Removed] Restricted PayPal payment method for the Zero amount transactions
Version 12.6.2
Datum 22.11.2023
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Plugin optimized for High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) for WooCommerce
[Fix] Notifying shop admin about wallet payment transactions via Germanized Plugin
[Fix] Plugin made compatible to work for block-based cart/checkout
Version 12.6.1
Datum 26.09.2023
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Customer Order notes are not displayed in the order confirmation email
[Enhanced] Subscription renewal order was created for failed transactions with the ACTIVE_WITH_COLLECTION webhook parameter
Version 12.6.0
Datum 21.07.2023
Beschreibung & Änderungen [New] Implemented Zero amount authorization for the payments Credit/Debit Cards, Direct Debit SEPA, Apple Pay & Google Pay
[Removed] Payment due date configuration for Direct Debit SEPA With Payment Guarantee
Version 12.5.6
Datum 09.06.2023
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Adapted Credit/Debit Cards iframe for proper loading while using the WPML plugin
[Fix] Restricted duplicate order creation with same TID during communication failure
[Fix] Exact date information shown on the subscription notes during the "Pay for the order" process
[Enhanced] Payment description updated while changing the subscription payment method
[Enhanced] For IBAN-specific countries, the BIC field required for the Gibraltar country for the payments like Direct Debit SEPA, Direct Debit SEPA with payment guarantee and Instalment by Direct Debit SEPA
Version 12.5.5
Datum 30.03.2023
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Plugin made compatible for WooCommerce version 7.5.1
[Fix] Handled Guest users under the ‘Pay for order’ process
[Fix] Amount mismatch handled for WordPress Multilingual functionality
Version 12.5.4
Datum 10.03.2023
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Subscription free trial interval remains unchanged when payment zone is updated
[Fix] Subscription renewal orders placed successfully after migrating from other payment provider
Version 12.5.3
Datum 28.01.2023
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Subscription change payment method update from Shop default payment to Novalnet payment
[Removed] Button Theme configuration for Google Pay payment
Version 12.5.2
Datum 06.01.2023
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Double bookings restricted for subscription transactions during subscription cycle date update
Version 12.5.1
Datum 21.12.2022
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Quick cancellation of digital subscription products handled through 'Cancel Now' button
[Fix] Subscription cancellation restricted to free trial products and recurring zero amount transactions
[Enhanced] For failed subscription renewal, status update is handled through Callback/webhook
Version 12.5.0
Datum 05.12.2022
Beschreibung & Änderungen [New] Implemented shop-based subscription
[Enhanced] Invoice payment name is updated for German translation
[Removed] One-click shopping for PayPal payment
[New] Callback/webhook events for payment reminders and submission to the collection agency has been added
[Enhanced] For IBAN-specific countries, the BIC field displayed for payment like Direct Debit SEPA, Direct Debit SEPA with payment guarantee and Instalment by Direct Debit SEPA
Version 12.4.0
Datum 12.10.2022
Beschreibung & Änderungen [New] Implemented Google Pay, Trustly, WeChat Pay and Alipay payments
[New] Apple Pay and Google Pay payments are now supported for the Subscription process
[New] Updated cart details to PayPal
[New] Callback/webhook events for payment reminders and submission to the collection agency has been added
[Enhanced] For IBAN-specific countries, the BIC field displayed for payment like Direct Debit SEPA, Direct Debit SEPA with payment guarantee and Instalment by Direct Debit SEPA
Version 12.3.1
Datum 05.07.2022
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Adjusted Java script for loading Credit Card form
Version 12.3.0
Datum 20.06.2022
Beschreibung & Änderungen [New] Recurring amount bookings are handled through tokenisation
[New] Transfer product information to PayPal
Version 12.2.0
Datum 16.05.2022
Beschreibung & Änderungen [New] Implemented Apple Pay payment
[Fix] Shop admin receives the order confirmation email even after integrating with Germanized Plugin
[Enhanced] Updated payment logo for Sofort payment
Version 12.1.0
Datum 01.04.2022
Beschreibung & Änderungen [New] Order creation process handled from the shop admin panel
Version 12.0.11
Datum 10.01.2022
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Adjusted payment plugin, when changing Subscription product into Normal product
Version 12.0.10
Datum 10.12.2021
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Adjusted the payment plugin for multistep checkout page to support Germanized pro plugin
[Fix] Adjusted the instalment cycle amount in order confirmation e-mail for end-customers
Version 12.0.9
Datum 11.10.2021
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Default Hold stock duration is extended for pending orders to avoid order cancellation
[Fix] Order amount rounded to 2 decimal factors while sending to the Novalnet server
Version 12.0.8
Datum 20.09.2021
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Payment redirection is optimized for successful transactions when previous transactions failed for the same order
Version 12.0.7
Datum 17.08.2021
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Optimized payment enabling in the payment method page
[Enhanced] Credit/Debit Cards payment method description
[Enhanced] Optimized the payment plugin for Virtual and Downloadable products
[Enhanced] For every recurring subscription orders the parent order number is used as reference transactions
Version 12.0.6
Datum 13.05.2021
Beschreibung & Änderungen [New] Subscription reactivation handled, when Subscription order is ‘Cancelled’
[Fix] Error logs from Przelewy24 payment
[Fix] Adjusted the payment plugin for Cron execution error
[Fix] Refund process for PayPal payment
[Fix] Exact order numbers are fetched and updated for the subscription renewal orders
[Enhanced] Instalment summary template for Instalment by Direct Debit SEPA and Instalment by Invoice
Version 12.0.5
Datum 15.02.2021
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] HTML Tag in “Customer provided note” for WooCommerce 5.0.0 compatibility
Version 12.0.4
Datum 05.02.2021
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Notice error during wp-cron execution
[Fix] Webhook: Transaction update status reflected as a transaction refund for instalment payments
[Fix] Invoice & Direct Debit SEPA payment methods are disabled during the subscription change payment method when payment guaranteed conditions are met
[Fix] Change payment option hidden in shop front-end when the minimum order amount is configured for subscription payments
[Enhanced] Added NovalnetUtility.js in the checkout page
[Enhanced] Webhook: Transaction refund updated for the corresponding instalment cycles
[Enhanced] Subscription change payment method in back-end has been optimized for the Credit/Debit payment
[Enhanced] Updated new transaction details in the subscription notes section for subscription change payment method
Version 12.0.3
Datum 29.12.2020
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Amount mismatched during Credit Card authentication process
Version 12.0.2
Datum 16.12.2020
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Optimized IP condition check for the parameter transaction.system_ip
[Fix] Customer card/account details will not stored if Save future purchase checkbox is unchecked
[Fix] Payment plugin has been adjusted for the guest users during signup process in the checkout page
[Fix] Payment plugin has been adjusted for 32 bit operating system
[Fix] Subscription reactive and cancelled handled for the expired subscriptions
[Fix] Callback execution has been optimized to execute without the order number
[Enhanced] Adjusted validation in the checkout page for date of birth field
[Enhanced] Payment confirmation mail for end-customer designed with a new email template
Version 12.0.1
Datum 02.12.2020
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Installment renewal summary update
[Fix] Extended the support for the customized order number
[Enhanced] Added new parameter: customer.tel
Version 12.0.0
Datum 27.11.2020
Beschreibung & Änderungen Major version release: Entire restructure & optimization of the older version with usability, additional features, and customizations.
Version 11.3.5
Datum 30.10.2020
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Chrome Samesite Cookies
Version 11.3.4
Datum 25.02.2020
Beschreibung & Änderungen [New] Customized date of birth field in checkout page
[Fix] Compatibility for WooCommerce 3.9.1
Version 11.3.3
Datum 17.01.2020
Beschreibung & Änderungen [New] German text has been added for date of birth text field
[New] In the checkout page, instalments cycle information has been displayed for the end customer
[Enhanced] Credit Card iframe has been optimized
[Enhanced] Vendor script has been optimized
Version 11.3.2
Datum 05.11.2019
Beschreibung & Änderungen [New] Update shipping address to PayPal
[Removed] Instalments cycle information removed for the end customer
Version 11.3.1
Datum 18.09.2019
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Subscription woocommerce_scheduled_subscription_end_of_prepaid_term type action has been unscheduled for the reactivated subscription
[Fix] Novalnet Merchant Administration Portal link has been updated in the backend order notes
[Fix] Order status issue for Przelewy24 payment based on the external plugin for customizing the order number
[Enhanced] Adjusted the Novalnet payment plugin based on the woocommerce subscription plugin
Version 11.3.0
Datum 30.08.2019
Beschreibung & Änderungen [New] Implemented instalment payment for Direct Debit SEPA and Invoice
[Enhanced] Adjusted the payment module for IPV6 condition
[Enhanced] Implemented new encryption method for redirect payments
[Enhanced] Auto configuration call perform via cURL method
[Enhanced] Callback has been optimized as per the new testcase
[Removed] Payment reference configuration for Invoice / prepayment
[Removed] Transaction reference in payments
Version 11.2.16
Datum 22.07.2019
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Adjusted validation in the checkout page for company field
[Fix] Issue in displaying the Guaranteed Direct Debit SEPA payment in checkout page
[Fix] Issue in subscription change payment method for Direct Debit SEPA
Version 11.2.15
Datum 19.06.2019
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Issue with checkout process on account creation
[Fix] Adjusted Java script for loading Credit Card form
[Enhanced] New language adopted for Deutsch(sie)
[Enhanced] Novalnet bank details will be displayed in invoice for on-hold transactions in Invoice, Invoice with payment guarantee and Prepayment
Version 11.2.14
Datum 20.05.2019
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Enhanced] Novalnet payment plugin has been optimized for checkout template
Version 11.2.13
Datum 25.04.2019
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Compatible issue for WooCommerce 3.6.1
Version 11.2.12
Datum 17.04.2019
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Updated the multistep checkout page working for the Germanized pro plugin
[Enhanced] Subscription cancellation option for end user with merchant control
[Enhanced] Novalnet payment plugin has been optimized as per new test case
Version 11.2.11
Datum 27.03.2019
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Updated the subscription change payment method working in the vendor script
[Fix] Updated the multistep checkout page working for the Germanized pro plugin
Version 11.2.10
Datum 30.01.2019
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Unified processing and checking of session
[Fix] Handling of communication failure for payments with payment guarantee
[Enhanced] Enhanced synchronization between shop and Novalnet syste
Version 11.2.9
Datum 22.12.2018
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Compatible issue for WordPress 5
[Enhanced] Guaranteed payment minimum amount reduced to 9.99 EUR
[Removed] Autofill for payment data
[Removed] BIC field for Direct Debit SEPA
Version 11.2.8
Datum 05.10.2018
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Enhanced] Guaranteed payment pending status has been implemented
[Enhanced] Callback has been optimized as per the new testcase
Version 11.2.7
Datum 07.06.2018
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Adjusted payment module to restrict the double transaction in custom theme
Version 11.2.6
Datum 24.01.2018
Beschreibung & Änderungen [New] Custom checkout overlay for Barzahlen
[New] Force 3D secure process has been implemented as per predefined filters and settings in the Novalnet admin portal
[Enhanced] Due date update notification in the shop, on activation of transaction for Invoice, Invoice with payment guarantee and Prepayment
[Enhanced] On-hold transaction configuration has been implemented for Credit Card, Direct Debit SEPA, Direct Debit SEPA with payment guarantee, Invoice, Invoice with payment guarantee and PayPal
[Enhanced] Optimized IP condition check for remote address
Version 11.2.5
Datum 22.12.2017
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Enhanced] Optimized vendor script validation for handling communication failure transaction
Version 11.2.4
Datum 21.11.2017
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fixed] Fetching the order amount from the cart instead of session, to make it compatible for the WooCommerce version (above 3.2.0)
[Enhanced] Dynamic IP control applied through domain instead of static IP in vendor script. Actual IP of Novalnet will be extracted in real time from the domain
Version 11.2.3
Datum 14.09.2017
Beschreibung & Änderungen [New] Implemented Barzahlen payment method
[Enhanced] Optimized vendor script validation
[Removed] Enable debug mode configuration in Merchant script management
Version 11.2.2
Datum 29.08.2017
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fixed] Optimized Credit Card and Direct Debit SEPA script
[Enhanced] Adjusted opacity for form payments
[Enhanced] Merchant Administration Portal link has been updated in shop admin
[Enhanced] Date of birth field format has been updated
[Removed] Refund with account details from shop admin
Version 11.2.1
Datum 07.06.2017
Beschreibung & Änderungen [Fix] Custom order note not displaying
[Fix] Next charging date shouldn’t display for last recurring
[Fix] IP address issue for windows running IIS v6
[Enhanced] Optimized subscription configuration settings
[Compatible] Tested with WooCommerce version upto 3.1.2 and Subscription version upto 2.2.11
Version 11.2.0
Datum 13.04.2017
Beschreibung & Änderungen Tested with WooCommerce version upto 3.0.2 and Subscription version upto 2.2.4
Version 11.1.1
Datum 03.04.2017
Beschreibung & Änderungen (1) Implemented Novalnet updates page
(2) Updated payment logo for Credit Card and Invoice payment
(3) Added new parameter in all API calls
(4) Restriction of email notification to the end customer on callback execution
(5) Issue with single iteration Subscription product (Eg: price per month for 1 month)
(6) Tested with WordPress version 4.7.3 and Subscription version 2.1.4
Version 11.1.0
Datum 21.02.2017
Beschreibung & Änderungen (1) Credit Card iframe updated.
(2) One click shopping for Credit Card and PayPal implemented.
(3) Edit option in Credit Card and PayPal for registered customers implemented.
(4) Zero amount booking for Credit Card and PayPal implemented.
(5) On-hold transactions for PayPal implemented.
(6) New payment method “Przelewy24” added.
Version 10.3.1
Datum 29.06.2016
Beschreibung & Änderungen (1) Compatibility has been checked for latest WooCommerce and Subscription version.
(2) Novalnet payment module has been optimized as per new testcase.
Version 11.0.0
Datum 01.05.2016
Beschreibung & Änderungen (1) Auto configuration of vendor credentials
(2) Zero amount booking
(3) One click shopping for Direct Debit SEPA
(4) Iframe and hosted page implementation for Credit Card
(5) Implemented Direct Debit SEPA with payment guarantee, Invoice with payment guarantee
(6) Edit option in Direct Debit SEPA for registered customers
(7) Notify URL configuration in shop backend
(8) Logo control has been implemented in global configuration
(9) Responsive templates has been implemented
(10) New booking with payment reference
(11) Compatibility has been checked for subscription version 1.5.29 and 2.0.8
Version 10.1.1
Datum 28.08.2015
Beschreibung & Änderungen (1) Compatibility has been checked for WooCommerce version upto 2.4.6
Version 10.1.0
Datum 10.08.2015
Beschreibung & Änderungen (1) External plugin compatibility has been checked.
(2) Payment reference has been implemented.
Version 10.0.0
Datum 10.06.2015
Beschreibung & Änderungen New release
Version 2.0.1
Datum 29.01.2015
Beschreibung & Änderungen (1) The fraud modules has been implemented for the payments (Credit card, SEPA and Invoice)
(2) The Novalnet payment module have been updated for the latest WordPress repository 4.1 and WooCommerce version 2.2.10.
(3) Code optimization has been done
Version 1.1.7
Datum 23.09.2014
Beschreibung & Änderungen (1) Code optimization has been done.
(2) Compatibility has been checked upto woocommerce version 2.2.4
Version 1.1.6
Datum 16.09.2014
Beschreibung & Änderungen (1) The Payment Direct Debit Direct Debit Germany and Austria offered by the AG Novalnet be replaced from 01.08.2014 by the SEPA Direct Debit Scheme.
(2) Code optimization has been done.
(3) Compatibility has been checked upto WooCommerce version 2.1.12
Version 1.1.5
Datum 08.07.2014
Beschreibung & Änderungen (1) Credit card module has been updated
(2) Coding has been optimized
(3) Compatibility has been checked upto WooCommerce version 2.1.11
Version 1.1.4
Datum 06.03.2014
Beschreibung & Änderungen (1) Compatibility has been checked for woocommerce version 2.1.2.
Version 1.1.3
Datum 01.02.2014
Beschreibung & Änderungen (1) Updated auto refill option for Credit card, Direct Debit SEPA, Direct Debit Austria & Direct Debit German payment methods.
(2) Updated Direct Debit SEPA payment module as per new testcase.
(3) Implemented Referrer id, Reference parameters in all payment methods.
(4) Credit Card payment updated with 3D Secure authentication.
(5) Updated callback script file as per new testcase.
(6) Compatibility has been checked for wordpress version 3.8.1.
Version 1.1.2
Datum 27.12.2013
Beschreibung & Änderungen (1) Implemented Novalnet Direct Debit SEPA
Version 1.1.1
Datum 26.11.2013
Beschreibung & Änderungen (1) Created option to display customer instruction at success page and order notification emails.
(2) Implemented Debug log feature.
(3) Optimized our module to display the transaction details in frontend order history without core update.
(4) Implemented Void, capture and Refund functionality in Novalnet payment gateway.
(5) Updated callback script file as per new testcase.
Version 1.1.0
Datum 07.10.2013
Beschreibung & Änderungen (1) Added support for WordPress Multi-Site.
(2) Code optimization has been done
Version 1.0.5
Datum 19.09.2013
Beschreibung & Änderungen (1) Added support for Woocommerce Sequential Order Numbers plugin.
(2) Compatibility has been verified.
(3) Code optimization has been done.
Version 1.0.4
Datum 06.08.2013
Beschreibung & Änderungen (1) Code optimization has been done.
(2) Credit card module has been re-written with PCI-Compliance.
(3) Post-back parameter has been implemented.
(4) Novalnet PayPal pending status and callback script has been updated.
Version 1.0.3
Datum 07.06.2013
Beschreibung & Änderungen (1) Changed the module structure suitable for WordPress plugin repository.
Version 1.0.1
Datum 28.03.2013
Beschreibung & Änderungen (1) Implemented Novalnet Telephone payment.
(2) Novalnet Credit Card payment has been updated.
(3) Code optimization has been done.
Version 1.0.0
Datum 18.02.2013
Beschreibung & Änderungen First release